Shayne and Megan Rock the Dress | Colorado Springs Photography

Shayne and Megan Rock the Dress | Colorado Springs Photography

Shayne and Megan, Shayne and Megan…what’s not to love about this amazing, beautiful couple? They’re gorgeous and hilarious and we never fail to have a good time — even if we’re running from snakes, avoiding heights, and breaking shoes. All in good fun!

I’ve had the honor of knowing this couple since before they got married, and I was super jealous when they had their wedding somewhere else and I didn’t get to photograph their special day, but we have more than made up for it with plenty of family portraits, celebrations, and this rock the dress session to celebrate TEN years of their marital bliss!

The kiddos joined us about halfway through and of course I had to get those beautiful children into a few shots!

May we never stop having fun together, and may you all never stop loving each other!

Are you ready to celebrate the love in your family (wedding dress not required)? Let’s get you on my calendar!

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